About Me ... and About YOU
It’s hard to know what information people are looking for. Shall we start with the boring stuff? Here we go. My name is Monika and I was born in a little, beautiful county of Slovenia, where I was living for the first 27 years of my life. Absolutely amazing nature and food! You definitely have to visit it.
I was growing up in socialism, with a happy childhood and I was always feeling there was something more to life than what school was telling me. I was always interested in alternative therapies, natural ways to heal yourself, meditation, tai chi and many other modalities, authors and beliefs.
However, all of my interests were lost through my student years and for a few years after I moved to UK. Those were the years of my underworld journey, of getting back on my path, uncovering who I was, finding my way back to my deep feminine truths. It seems that I used to learn the hard way; I found myself on a very low point in my life in a vicious circle before I would focus all my energy into changing my thought patterns, meditating twice per day, practising gratitude and trying out different healing modalities.
I've had my fair shares of life lessons, been through tough and painful downs, which have led into lighter and happier ups. Now I know that happiness only depends on me and how I see life and the situations I am in. My happiness does not depend on my life circumstances, but solely on me and my decision to be happy.
Using different tools, healing modalities, learning from different teachers, all helped me in growing, evolving and uncovering my true self. And they are still helping me! And if it worked for me, I thought to myself, it can work for others too.
In 2009 I started going to a holistic centre and it was then that my love for massage came back to life. I did an introduction course and was planning to go on to another massage course, when I came across hypnotherapy and my first singing bowl relaxation CD. And that was it! My path as a healer, specialising in sound healing had started. Since then I have been on many courses, training and workshops. Studying with different teachers, looking into what research has been done on sound healing, reading books on the subject and most importantly offering group and 1-2-1 therapies with gongs and singing bowls.
Discovering holistic centre in 2009 also led me onto other paths, from training as a hypnotherapist in 2011, to training in Women's mysteries and cycle with holding Women's Circles, training in counselling skills and becoming a Priestess of Cerridwen, offering my services to the community as a healer, ritual facilitator and holder of a safe space.
If you’d like to know anything else about me, I am more than happy to answer any questions, just send me an email to [email protected] and I will do my best to answer them.
Who I am not? |
Who I am? |